Federal Court to determine whether third party consents violate PIPEDA
Biometrics in Québec: Regulator continues to set high bar for use by retailers
Server encryption that makes data inaccessible is a privacy breach, even without access or exfiltration
Will Alberta have a new privacy law before the federal government?
Privacy update from British Columbia: The long arm of privacy legislation
Data scraping under fire: What Canadian companies can learn from KASPR’s €240K fine
Utilisation de données à caractère personnel dans l’entraînement et le déploiement de modèles d’IA
Use of personal data in training and deployment of AI
Ontario’s new public sector cybersecurity and AI law now in force – What public and private sector organizations need to know
What FRFIs need to know about adopting AI: Key take-aways from the OSFI-FCAC Risk Report
Québec’s new data portability obligations now in force: A guide
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